The author of Books by Bareiss

Before the advent of the internet, authors would travel to the places
mentioned in their writings to obtain firsthand information for their
books. Readers might know about or have personal knowledge of the
places to which the author takes them, thus enhancing the pleasure in
reading the work. Today it is possible to travel to most any spot in
the world via the internet and view in great detail information and
pictures about restaurants, shops and other places of interest. Google
Earth can provide the searcher with trips around the world and features
360 degree pictures of any place their cameras have been. This website
was created to give the reader of Books by Bareiss an inside look at
where the author had electronically travelled in the creation of his
works, and other information about the how books were created.
At the present time Dave has published six books, First Frigate, Second
Asset, Third Trade, Fourth Student, Fifth Ledger and Sixth Coin.