SECOND ASSET background information

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Second Asset begins two years after the conclusion of First Frigate. The protagonist in Second Asset, Jerry Cummings,
together with his now adopted son, Hassan, were featured in
First Frigate. They appear with several other characters that
were also featured in First Frigate as well as a host of new
and interesting people. The scenario is similar - quiet,
unassuming, good guys win, bad guys lose.

The cover of Second Asset is shown to the left. The boat in
the picture does not represent the boat featured in the story.
It is a depiction of the scene described on page 181 when
the Northstar meets up with the flying Cat in the middle of the
Atlantic early one morning.

The boat in the story is fictitious. However a boat with
a similar layout is depicted here. Layout of the Northstar

While Second Asset is, of course, a fictional adventure, many
of the restaurants, businesses and other named locations are
real and may be visited using Google Earth or dedicated web
sites. This page shows some of those locations. SecondAssetLocations