book cover The Northstar in the story is a 130 foot
sailboat designed by a fictitious company
named Kenbar Marine. The sailboat depicted
here is a 125 foot sloop from Oyster Yachts.
The layout is similar to the sailboat in the
story. The very bottom diagram shows that the
lower deck is divide into two unconnected
groups of sleeping cabins, the aft one for
guests and the forward cabins for the crew.
The only access to the engine room is from
the crew cabins. The access to the keel
attachment bolts where Getoar set up his
electronic surprise is in this area. The flying
bridge is depicted in the second drawing down
as the brown area in the center of the boat.
it's the location where most of the dialog
in the story occurs and where Getoar has
an unfortunate, surprising altercation.

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Fly Bridge Main Deck Main Deck