FIRST FRIGATE Cover Construction

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The picture to the left was obtained from
Omar_Salih's bucket on

Using the app, Pixelmator, available from
the Mac App Store it was combined with the
the following two images to create the front
and back covers for First Frigate. The complete
image which was sent to the printer is
shown at the bottom of the page.

Pixelmator is available from the Mac App
Store for $29.99. Use the following link
for info about and purchase of Pixelmator.

Foremast rigging The picture of the rigging shown here was taken
by the author while on an information gathering
visit to the USS Constitution. It's a picture
of the foremast shot from the starboard side of
the spar deck on a cloudy June day.

sky This picture was taken by the author in the
Grand Teton National Park at the Signal Mountain
Lodge. The view is to the northwest from a spot
on the shore of Jackson Lake. The sky in the
upper left hand corner was used to replace the
uniformly gray sky in the rigging picture.

Put all together with the text boxes defined in
the Pixelmator session, the final front and back
cover image is shown below.

composit cover